Earlier this week, Dave Castro, the director of the CrossFit Games, announced that starting for 2025 season, the CrossFit Open will feature a repeat workout from 2020 and beyond. This news has left the community buzzing with anticipation as we look back at the pool of 17 eligible workouts from previous Opens. But with 20.3, 21.2, and 23.1 already being repeated, that leaves us with 14 potential candidates.
Let’s break down the possibilities and make our prediction.
The Contenders
With 20.3, 21.2, and 23.1 out of the running, the focus shifts to the remaining 14 workouts. To narrow down our prediction, we analysed past repeat trends, workout structures, and the movements that typically offer the most room for community-wide improvement, such as advanced gymnastics skills or increasing weights.
Here’s how we evaluated the possibilities:
- Historical Trends: Certain workout formats and movement combinations have a history of being repeated.
- Skill Progression: Workouts that involve complex gymnastics skills or heavier lifts tend to be repeated as they allow athletes to showcase skill mastery or strength gains.
- Workout Structure: Simpler formats with clear scoring metrics are more likely to be repeated for consistent worldwide comparisons.
Our Prediction: 21.3 / 21.4 (before 25.1)
We believe that 21.3 and 21.4 are the most likely candidates for the 2025 CrossFit Open repeat workout. Here’s why:
- 21.3 is a challenging gymnastics workout that tests athletes across multiple skills, including pull-ups, chest-to-bar pull-ups, and bar muscle-ups. The community has had ample time to improve in these areas, making it a great benchmark for progress.
- 21.4 follows 21.3 with an Olympic lifting complex, allowing athletes to showcase strength improvements. It’s the perfect blend of skill and strength.
This combination not only provides a well-rounded test of fitness but also gives athletes an opportunity to demonstrate significant improvements in both gymnastics proficiency and raw strength.
Updated Prediction: 23.3
With the announcement of 25.1, we now know that two movements are eliminated from appearing in the repeat workout: Clean & Jerk and Burpees. This significantly narrows down the pool of eligible workouts.
Here’s how it impacts the predictions:
- Clean & Jerk and Burpees are featured in 25.1, which rules out any repeat workout containing these movements.
- This reduces the pool to just 7 potential workouts.
- Out of these, only 4 have characteristics that align with typical repeat patterns: 20.5 22.3, 23.3, and 24.3.
We believe 23.3 is the strongest contender, and here’s why:
- 23.3 is a challenging test of both strength and skill, featuring ascending snatch weights and advanced gymnastics movements, including wall walks and strict handstand push-ups.
- This workout offers a balanced test of strength, skill, and endurance, making it an ideal benchmark for community-wide progression.
- The structure and flow of 23.3 also make it a compelling and exciting workout to repeat, ensuring consistency in scoring while testing athletes across multiple domains.
Open 20.1
10 rounds for time of:
8 ground-to-overheads - 10 bar facing burpees
Open 20.2
AMRAP 20 minutes of:
4 dumbbell thrusters - 6 toes to bar - 24 double unders
Open 20.4
30 box jumps - 15 clean & jerk (weight 1) - 30 box jumps - 15 clean & jerk (weight 2)
30 box jumps - 10 clean & jerk (weight 3)
30 single-leg squats - 10 clean & jerk (weight 4) - 30 single-leg squats - 5 clean & jerk (weight 5)
30 single-leg squats - 5 clean & jerk (weight 6)
Open 20.5
For time:
40 ring muscle-ups - 80 calorie row - 120 wall ball shots
*partitioned in any way
Open 21.1
For time:
1-3-6-9-15-21 wall walk
10-30-60-90-150-210 double unders
Open 21.3
For time:
15 front squat - 30 toes to bar - 15 thrusters - rest 1 minute
15 front squat - 30 chest to bar - 15 thrusters - rest 1 minute
15 front squat - 30 bar muscle-ups - 15 thrusters
then 21.4:
1 deadlift - 1 clean - 1 hang clean - 1 jerk complex
Open 22.1
AMRAP 15 minutes of:
3 wall walks - 12 dumbbell snatches - 15 box jump overs
Open 22.2
For time:
Deadlift - Bar facing burpees
Open 22.3
For time:
21 pullups - 42 double unders - 21 thrusters (weight 1)
18 chest-to-bar pullups - 36 double unders - 18 thrusters (weight 2)
15 bar muscleups - 30 double unders - 15 thrusters (weight 3)
Open 23.2A
AMRAP 15 minutes of:
5 burpee pullups - 10 shuttle runs (2 x 25ft = 1 rep)
*add 5 burpee pullups after each round
Open 23.2B
1 rep max thruster from the floor
Open 23.3
5 wall walks - 50 double unders - 15 snatches (weight 1) - 5 wall walks - 50 double unders - 12 snatches (weight 2) *if completed under 6 minutes, add 3 minutes to the time cap then,
20 strict handstand pushups - 50 double unders - 9 snatches (weight 3) *if completed under 9 minutes, add 3 more minutes to the time cap then,
20 strict handstand pushups - 50 double unders - 6 snatches (weight 4)
Open 24.1
For Time:
21 dumbbell snatch (arm 1) - 21 lateral burpees over dumbbell
21 dumbbell snatch (arm 2) - 21 lateral burpees over dumbbell
15 dumbbell snatch (arm 1) - 15 lateral burpees over dumbbell
15 dumbbell snatch (arm 2) - 15 lateral burpees over dumbbell
9 dumbbell snatch (arm 1) - 9 lateral burpees over dumbbell
9 dumbbell snatch (arm 2) - 9 lateral burpees over dumbbell
Open 24.2
AMRAP 20 minutes of:
300m row - 10 deadlifts - 50 double unders
Open 24.3
For time:
5 rounds of: 10 thrusters (weight 1) - 10 chest-to-bar pullups
rest 1 minute
5 rounds of: 7 thrusters (weight 2) - 7 bar muscleups